Shimabara Peninsula Free Wi-fi

Free Wi-fi is available in various areas in Shimabara City.
You can use any carrier’s device, such as docomo, Softbank, au, etc. You can connect up to 12 times for 20 minutes (maximum of 4 hours per day as specified by DoSPOT).
Free Wi-Fi Area
- Carp Swimming Town Area(Spring garden “Shimeisou”, Shimabara Spring Museum, Seiryu-tei, Carp swimming area)
- Shimabara Castle Area(Shimabara Castle Keep, Shimabara Castle Honmaru Shop, Tourism Reconstruction Memorial Hall, Folk Tool Museum, Nishimochi Memorial Hall)
- Ginsui (silver water)
- Shimabara Port Tourist Information Center (Shimabara Port)
- Gamadasu Dome (Mt. Unzen Disaster Memorial Hall)
Wi-Fi Name: Shimabara Peninsula Free Wi-Fi
SSID : 000Shimabara_hanto_Free_Wi-Fi
*Please note that the connection may be unstable depending on the signal conditions.
About the application (Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi)
Shimabara Peninsula FreeWi-Fi is compatible with “Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi”, a free application for smartphones. The app provides a convenient one-tap connection. *Registration is required only once for the first use.
For details on how to use the app, please refer to the official website.